What is The Queendom? 🌹

This is a field that I hold as a refuge for the women who hold the energy for so many others, but haven’t found a place to plug into and fully recharge themselves. For the women who are all in on their dreams, ready to take their frequency healing seriously, and for the women who are looking for someone to offer mentorship and to hold a mirror of their own Sovereignty.

This community will inspire you, refresh you, and challenge you to pursue elevation and ascension daily. You’ll feel empowered, rejuvenated, and divinely activated and magnetic as you remember how sacred and holy you actually are.

When we reconnect to our wombs, we rise to higher levels of consciousness and increase our capacity to expand to greater levels of pleasure and cosmic understanding, and my goal for you is to find this same level resonance in your own life by loving all of your body, honoring your womb, and reclaiming your divinity.

The Queendom is a field of energy that you can enter into effortlessly, and drink from the fountains of golden nectar when you’re thirsty, or rest on clouds of golden goose feathers and rose petals when you’re tired.

If you love others, you need a space to be loved.

And I am here to hold that space for you inside The Queendom, to remind you of the Queen that you are. You deserve to celebrate elevation and the power between your thighs that is ignited by the gentleness of your heart daily. I am personally committed to helping you remember your own divinity by being a lap to rest your head on when you’re weary, and opening spaces to welcome you into the resonance of love from The Most High.

There are lots of playful layers and forms of The Queendom, we host in person experiences, virtual experiences, retreat experiences, and so much more. But most importantly, The Queendom is a frequency. The best way to stay tuned in to The Queendom frequency is to plug in to it or join us for an in-person experience.

The TRUE Queendom is actually the field of energy you create for yourself through radical self-love, compassion, and Higher Self embodiment. My hope is that these experiences will help you gain the confidence to elevate your own life to this frequency and celebrate your existence daily as the life-breathing miracle you are ✨🔮

We live in a multi-dimensional world and, as a Womb & High Vibe Priestess, I’m here to help usher in a new way of thinking at higher levels of consciousness on this planet — and it starts by women gathering together in circles of ceremony, love, and celebrations of life.

That is exactly what The Queendom is, and I’m honored to welcome you inside.🌹

The Queendom

The Queendom is a community, a spiritual sanctuary, a creative vortex, and a place that makes you feel empowered, elevated, and expanded.

✓ Full Moon Energy Readings
✓ Online Community Experiences
✓ Higher Self-Embodiment Guidance
✓ Email Subscription & Stories of Magic
The Queendom Mastermind
Every month
Every year

The Queendom Mastermind is an online space for women to gather bi-weekly on Fridays and Full Moons. If you bring your open heart to these spaces to express your truth and be witnessed in your healing, your energy will be renewed.

✓ Womb, Moon, & Earth Cycle Syncing
✓ Somatic, Frequency, & Energy Healings
✓ A Supportive, Uplifting, + Expansive Tribe
✓ Bi-Weekly Focused Mastermind Sessions